====== Object Bar ====== FIXME The picture "barre_objet.jpg" has dissapeared from the site. {{en:documentation:barre_objet.jpg|}} \\ The object bar is displayed horizontally, just above the chart, under the main bar. It contains the icons that are related to the display of all kinds of things on the chart. ===== Object Group A ===== * {{en:documentation:i56.png|}} **Show stars** is a shortcut for **Chart -> Show objects -> [[menuchart#show_objects|Show stars]]**. * {{en:documentation:i57.png|}} **Show Deep Sky Objects** is a shortcut for **Chart -> Show objects -> [[menuchart#show_objects|Show Deep Sky Objects]]**. * {{en:documentation:lignes.png|}} **Show Lines** is a shortcut for **Chart -> Show objects -> [[menuchart#show_objects|Show Lines]]**. * {{en:documentation:i58.png|}} **Show Pictures** is a shortcut for **Chart -> Show objects -> [[menuchart#show_objects|Show Pictures]]**. \\ \\ \\ ===== Pictures Group ===== {{ en:documentation:dss_download.jpg?284|}} * {{en:documentation:i81.png|}} **Get DSS Image** is a shortcut for **Chart -> [[menuchart#Get_DSS_Image|Get DSS Image]]**. * {{en:documentation:i77.png|}} **Change pictures display** is a shortcut for **Setup -> [[menusetup#pictures|Pictures]]**. * {{en:documentation:i86.png|}} **Blinking Picture** is a shortcut for **View -> [[menuview#Blinking_Picture|Blinking Picture]]**. \\ \\ \\ ===== Object Group B ===== * {{en:documentation:i62.png|}} **Show Planets** is a shortcut for **Chart -> Show objects -> [[menuchart#show_objects|Show Planets]]**. * {{en:documentation:i60.png|}} **Show Asteroids** is a shortcut for **Chart -> Show objects -> [[menuchart#show_objects|Show Asteroids]]**. * {{en:documentation:i61.png|}} **Show Comets** is a shortcut for **Chart -> Show objects -> [[menuchart#show_objects|Show Comets]]**. * {{en:documentation:i63.png|}} **Show Milky Way** is a shortcut for **Chart -> Show objects -> [[menuchart#show_objects|Show Milky Way]]**. \\ \\ \\ ===== Lines - Grid Group ===== * {{en:documentation:i25.png|}} **Show Coordinate Grid** is a shortcut for **Chart -> Lines/Grid -> [[menuchart#lines_-_grid|Show Coordinate Grid]]**. * {{en:documentation:i24.png|}} **Add Equatorial Grid** is a shortcut for **Chart -> Lines/Grid -> [[menuchart#lines_-_grid|Add Equatorial Grid]]**. * {{en:documentation:i65.png|}} **Show Constellation Line** is a shortcut for **Chart -> Lines/Grid -> [[menuchart#lines_-_grid|Show Constellation Line]]**. * {{en:documentation:i66.png|}} **Show Constellation Limit** is a shortcut for **Chart -> Lines/Grid -> [[menuchart#lines_-_grid|Show Constellation Limit]]**. * {{en:documentation:i67.png|}} **Show Galactic Equator** is a shortcut for **Chart -> Lines/Grid -> [[menuchart#lines_-_grid|Show Galactic Equator]]**. * {{en:documentation:i68.png|}} **Show Ecliptic** is a shortcut for **Chart -> Lines/Grid -> [[menuchart#lines_-_grid|Show Ecliptic]]**. \\ \\ \\ ===== Marks Group ===== * {{en:documentation:i69.png|}} **Show Mark** is a shortcut for **Chart -> Lines/Grid -> [[menuchart#lines_grid|Show Mark]]**. * {{en:documentation:label.jpg|}} **Show Labels** is a shortcut for **Chart -> [[menuchart#show_labels|Show Label]]**. * {{en:documentation:label_updt.jpg|}} **Edit Label** is a shortcut for **Edit -> [[labels#the_modification_of_labels|Edit Label]]**. * {{en:documentation:i70.png|}} **Show Object below the horizon** is a shortcut for **Chart -> [[menuchart#below_the_horizon|Below the horizon]]**. * {{en:documentation:ciel.png|}} **Sky Background Color** is a shortcut for **View -> [[menuview#sky_background_color|Sky Background Color]]**. \\ \\ \\ ===== Link-Lock Group ===== * {{en:documentation:i79.png|}} **Link all chart** is a shortcut for **Window -> [[menuwindow#Link_All_Chart|Link All Chart]]**. \\ * {{en:documentation:i80.png|}} **Lock on ...** is a shortcut for **Window -> [[menuwindow#Link_All_Chart|Lock_on...]]**. \\ ===== Drawing mode ===== * {{en:documentation:i34.png|}} **Change Drawing mode** this tool switches the drawing mode of stars and deep sky objects between the three modes: "line", "photographic" and "parametric". See **Setup -> [[menusetup#display_mode|Display Mode]]**.