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New Chart

The new V3 of Cartes du Ciel enables you to open different windows with separate sky charts. The advantage is that you can visualize different charts at the same moment for different locations, time or even display configuration.

After creating a new chart you can arrange the charts through the Window menu. You can maximize, minimize, close or even resize each chart by dragging the right and bottom edges.


Use this to open a previously saved sky chart with its own configuration of the location and time.

Save As...

This saves the active sky chart to a file that you can reload in the future with the Open option.

Close Chart

This will close the active chart, only when you have more than one chart open.

Save Image...

The active sky chart is saved as an image. It is possible to select PNG, JPEG or BMP format for the file.


The Print dialog box enables you to choose your settings for the 'printer-target', regardless if this is a real printer or a file.

You can select to print a header with the description text, and a footer with the chart legend.

Printing can be done in the colours as on the screen or in black&white. The orientation, the paper margins and number of copies can also be selected.
If the printer is set to .bmp file is also possible to choose printing method to reversed black&white (with black background sky).

The default orientation is Landscape to better match the screen format and get a print result similar to what is displayed on the screen. If you want to print in Portrait orientation it is recommended to resize the screen window to this format to adjust the framing and objects visibility.

This option is only visible when you select a real printer in Printer Setup below.

It show a preview of the printed output using the current settings in order to save some paper when you adjust this options.

Printer Setup

Configures the printer to print the screen content. There are three options:

  1. System Printer: It enables you to configure a real printer.
  2. Postscript: It enables you print to a postscript file. This is the way to go if you want a vector file you can further convert to PDF or SVG. On Windows it requires you to have Ghostscript and GsView32 installed and a correctly configured path to view the result. It will only work with version 7.xx of GsView32.
  3. Bitmap file: It enables you to print the chart to a BMP file. It is required to have a correctly configured path to the MsPaint executable.


Just that, exits the program Cartes du Ciel

en/documentation/menufile.txt · Last modified: 2016/01/18 16:24 by admin