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FIXME This page is not fully translated, yet. Please help completing the translation.
(remove this paragraph once the translation is finished)

Traduções das páginas da Web

Este site é exibido normalmente utilizando o idioma especificado no seu navegador, ou em inglês se não estiver disponível. Veja no seu navegador se quiser alterar o idioma predefinido.

Estão disponíveis as seguintes traduções:

Traduza estas páginas

Consulte aqui se quiser traduzir estas páginas para o seu próprio idioma.

Tradução do Software

Também pode traduzir o próprio programa para o seu idioma.
A tradução é efetuada no Launchpad.

Este siste de tradução “Launchpad” tem muitas vantagens:

  • It is very simple to use, no software to install, no need to manage file version.
  • You can use it in your browser from anywhere you have an Internet connection.
  • You can ask for help from friend and work concurrently on the same translation. This is particularly important for the new translation as there is now more than 1300 text to translate.
  • You can at any time download your .po file to test your translation within the program immediately. Just be sure to rename it exactly as it was in the program distribution.

Here is a few instruction to start but you will see it is really easy to use:

  1. Register for a Launchpad account https://launchpad.net , click the “Register” link on the top right, then “Create new account”.
  2. Connect to https://launchpad.net/skychart , login and click "Translations" on the top.
  3. You are presented with a list of language from your browser preference. If you not find your language click “View all languages”.
  4. Click on the number in the “Untranslated” column to start to translate the new items.
  5. Don't forget to click the “Save and Continue” button when your are ready to save your work and go to the next page.
  6. It is also possible to change already translated text. In this case the more easy is to use the Search box.

utros ficheiros que podem traduzidos:
Constellation name: data/constellation/constlabel_xx.cla
Stars name : data/common_names/StarsNames_xx.txt
Nebulae name: data/common_names/NebulaNames_xx.txt
Where xx is the ISO 639.1 two letter code for your language.

The file lclstrconsts.xx.po contain the translation for some standard dialog and button used by the Lazarus LCL library.
If you want to add or update this file for your language please look at the Lazarus project to get the latest version from a daily snapshot and submit your change to http://bugs.freepascal.org , project Lazarus, category LCL.

pt/translations.txt · Esta página foi modificada pela última vez em: 2019/09/17 14:05 por alfalb